News Posts, Press Releases and Events

Anastasis v0.3.0 released
Anastasis v0.3.0 has been released. You can download it from here.

Anastasis joins GNU
Anastasis is now an official GNU package. You can read more about GNU here.

Anastasis funded by NGI LEDGER
The development of Anastasis is being funded (for 2021) by a grant of NGI LEDGER.

Anastasis as topic in Bachelor thesis
The development of Anastasis has been the topic of this bachelor thesis. The thesis also included the development of a proof of concept.

Anastasis won the 2020 ISSS excellence award
Anastasis was awarded by The Information Security Society Switzerland (ISSS), Switzerland's largest associations of ICT security professionals.

New Anastasis Website Launched
The new Anastasis Website just launched, visit us and check out what's new!